Size: Adults are typically 25 to 40 inches
Colour: Varies; grey, white head and throat
Reproduction: 2-3 litter per year; can have up to fourteen babies
What should I know about opossums?
Opossums are nocturnal; they frequent open woods, farmlands, ditches and rivers.
When they are threatened they may play dead; however, it is more likely to hiss and open mouth.
They do not hibernate, they will avoid temperature below -12C to avoid frostbite.
How do I know I have opossums?​​
Visual indication of their activity on your property.
Burrows (tunnel-like channels) visible from ground level, usually you'll see some sort of dirt splash, as with many other animals that dig.
They are mostly active at evening.
How do opossums impact my property?
They can cause damage to the garden, green vegetation or crops.
Uncontrolled presence of opossums, may become into a nuisance.
They can enter accessible crawlspaces, take refuge in abandoned burrows.
How can I prevent opossums from invading?
Fill holes, or discourage wildlife from continuing to enter by other means of landscaping.
Remove debris, fallen trees, hollow logs.
Consider wildlife proofing.
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