General: Commonly found are different types of grain, flour and drugstore beetles
Colour: Varies; black, reddish brown, light brown
Commonly found: In floors, unopened packages of food, grain; pharmaceuticals
What should I know about beetles?
Beetles vary in size, ranging between1-75mm.
Beetles are predominantly secondary pests.
They are attracted to varying materials, such as packaged foods, plants, fabric, etc.
Health risks associated with beetles?​
Beetles can contaminate and cause damage to foodstuff.
Some infestations may cause food particles to prematurely mold.
Some beetles can impart a nauseous smell to materials infested.
How do beetles impact my property?
Certain types of wood-boring beetles can cause structural damage (i.e. hardwood floors, furniture, etc).
Infestation is highly susceptible since most beetles can lay upwards of hundreds of eggs in short time period.
How can I prevent beetles from invading?
Block all small entrances and make sure all doors and windows fit tightly.
Perform regular housekeeping procedures, such as vacuuming and cleaning.
Ask our licensed pest control professional for help!